Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Kind of Order

A lovely new customer recently brought a special request to me at sosovintage. She wants to make 12 double sided napkins with vintage material, and she gave me free reign to choose the fabrics that I thought looked good together.
~*~She likes blues...
... and greens...

... and yellows...


... and oranges.
I had SO much fun putting this group of fabrics together; how I would love to be a full time fabric matchmaker. Anyone else out there want to make their own napkins with vintage fabrics? Just tell me your colors and let me fly...


  1. What a lovely order to make up Jennie, and such gorgeous, yummy fabrics :0)

  2. Color therapy at its best! I can mix and match for hours if no one stops me. But my husband just won't understand what the heck I am doing... A female thing maybe. Lovely bundles, as always at your place. :D


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