Friday, April 1, 2011

Extra! Extra!

I was contacted recently by Bethany, a contributing editor of the blog "a little etsy love"- she wanted to do a feature on sosorosey! Imagine my excitement! Of course I said yes, and guess what? There's a giveaway included for $20 in sosobucks. I'm in the spotlight there today- no foolin'! So, come on over to discover this super blog and leave a comment, too. I'd love for one of my blog readers to be the winner!!


  1. Ooo, I've been over and had a nose :o)
    What a cute blog!

    I've entered too, but it was a hard choice to say which of your treasures is my favourite at the moment :o)

    Have a lovely, lovely weekend Jennie. Hope the sun shines for you and yours xxxoooxxx

  2. Very, very lovely and I popped over too!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)