Monday, April 11, 2011

Makeover Monday: 4/11

Well, I was being a little tricky about the "color" missing in my shop... I was thinking white- sort of a non-color, but missing just the same.  Pardon the terrible *before* photo- that really is a very stark white cotton sheet!
I haven't added any large upcycled containers lately, so I made this bucket as large as the sheet would allow.  This baby is over 9" wide and almost 5" tall.
And, since I had two people kind enough to look in my shop and report back about the lack of yellow (high five Donna and Kristine!), I went ahead and took their advice using a bit of this lovely vintage fabric.
This is more like sweet petite size- 4.5" across by 2.5" high.  I've tweaked my bowl recipe... now the sides flare out gently creating more of a bucket shape.  I'm such a Gemini- can't stand to do the same thing for too long!
Guess what HUGE thing I'll be doing this week?  Registering my baby for Kindergarten at her new school for next year.  *sob*  Where has the time gone?  How will I possibly be able to put her on a bus?  Wish me luck with this first step on Thursday. 
Do you have any big or exciting plans for the week?  Or perhaps you have an idea for the next spill it session?  I'm all ears!!!  Happy Monday- thanks so much for stopping by my little nook of cyberspace :)


  1. Both of those are so beautiful! Good luck signing your little girl up for kindergarten!!

  2. Goodness me Jennie, time does fly :o)
    Good luck with the signing up, I'll be thinking of you both.
    I do hope Sophie's excited :o)

    I love the white bowl, it's so pristine and modern :o)
    Oh dear, I didn't mean to give you extra work to do with the yellow bowl lol know you need a green one now don't you ;o)

    OOooo, I forgot to say, whilst being nosey in your shop, I came across a most GORGEOUS wine bottle carrier...I love it :o)

    Have a lovely week Jennie..I'm with 'ya Thursday :)

  3. *high five!*

    You *were* being tricky, Jennie. I totally wasn't thinking about white at all. It's a lovely bowl, and the yellow cutie is a great addition!

    What a big moment for you and Sophie! Is she excited?

  4. I love your white bowl! It has a very charming look to it. I bet Sophie is pretty excited about going to register for her new school...many big steps coming up for school, riding a schol kids and teachers...all kind of scarey for a little kid. I remember prying my little girls hand off mine and forcing her onto the school bus. A very traumatic time for all of us but somehow you get through it...didn't we Jennie?!....and you will too! xooxo


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