Monday, April 18, 2011

Makeover Monday: 4/18

Sometimes when I am browsing the linen aisles at the thrift store, a pattern or color combination will just jump out at me.  This pillowcase was one of those!
I cut this one pretty thin- about three quarters of an inch wide- and used a smaller hook than I have been using for these.  It is amazingly sturdy- your average person would probably have a hard time believing that this is *just* crocheted fabric.  As always with sosorosey baskets: no stiffener, no inner stabilizer.  I love the uber round shape- it is just so CUTE.
Happy Monday, my friends!  It is spring break week here, and we're looking forward to spending time with our Massachusetts family over Easter.  I have a fun announcement coming up tomorrow, and a new sosorosey item that I'll be unveiling soon as well.  I also thought of a fun "Spill-It" topic, so look for that later in the week.  I hope you'll join me in the gossip fest, lol.  Have a super duper week!! 


  1. I love the colours in this Jennie. And it is such a cute shape :o)

    You're right, when I've been to the craft fairs, people sometimes can't understand that I haven't used any fabric stiffener, and the bowls and trivets are 'just' crochet. Mind you, it still amazes me sometimes...especially all the awesome things you make :o)

    Have a lovely family break Jennie, and I'm looking forward to your 'spill it' session (they always make me laugh :o)
    And to your new items in Sosorosey.

    Take care lovely jennie.

  2. Jennie, this is terrific! The colors are so beautiful, and I love the transformation.

    I'm looking forward to your announcement and new item. Have fun with your family!

  3. ps. I forgot to tell you, the thatched roof on the little cottage on my post is made from a 'reed' that is grown in marshy areas. Sometimes the thatch -in places- can be on the same house for hundreds of years!
    We have loads of these thatched cottages inthe New Forest :o)

  4. Cute little bowl, Jennie. How is your husband doing?

  5. Thanks, Victoria! He's not quite 100%, but it is much better. 6 days seems to be the magic number, so he should be back to normal soon.

  6. I love it - so simple, so sweet, such a beautiful shaped little pot - perfect!
    Now I want to have a go at making one - have made a crocheted pot out of string, have made a rag rug out of fabric strips (few years ago now!) but have yet to make containers - having seen both yours and Donnas lovely makes i am raring to have a go!
    Thankyou for sharing!


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