Saturday, May 28, 2011

Coming Attractions

Here we have the latest fabric finds: a lime and blue stripe, more Strawberry Shortcake, yellow calico, pastel stripe on white, botanical treasures, and pansies in the pink/orange/red/yellow colorway.
And OOH AAH!  This one gets a photo all its own- isn't this SPECTACULAR???  I couldn't believe my eyes at the colors and condition of this one.  I only have a fitted twin sheet, so get it while you can :)


  1. Lovely! That last sheet is my favorite. Such a pop of color. :-)

  2. I so love the turquoise colours in that last sheet Jennie..It would look fabulous crocheted up too!
    But it's so pretty as fabric, I wouldn't be able to cut it into strips :o)

    I like the pansy sheet too with those colours.

    We have yet another bank holiday on monday, so it's a long weeekend for us. And the children broke up school for their half-term week yesterday too..

    Have a great weekend Jennie :o)


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