Monday, May 2, 2011

Makeover Monday: 5/2

I went through a phase of collecting small antique glass bottles about 20 years ago.  I amassed about two dozen, and they have been staring at me ever since, begging for a purpose.
This weekend I rediscovered one of my very favorite cotton yarns, purchased at one of those super swanky, ultra expensive yarn shops.  I love this yarn so much- the softness, the texture, the way it works up- that I haven't even wanted to use it. 
I decided to part with some of the cotton and some of the bottles, though, and I'm pleased with the result!  These little flower lariats also serve as hooks so that the bottle can be hung on a suction cup on a window and used as a vase.  An easy way to bring a little color and fun to any room :)
Happy Monday and happy May!  Let's see, this week I am finalizing Mother's Day gifts and going on a petting zoo field trip (Wednesday- fingers crossed for a nice day).  I'll be sending good thoughts and well wishes up to Massachusetts on Thursday as my father-in-law undergoes a surgical procedure.  Friday I've been invited to my daughter's class for a special Mother's Day presentation in the afternoon.  She is SO excited, and I can't wait to hear her sing her song and present her gift.  I'm not supposed to know those last two things, but alas, my child takes after her father in secret keeping.  No matter, I will still be VERY surprised and grateful.  Here's wishing you all a sunny, happy week :)


  1. I love old bottles. I've been looking at my jar stash lately, wondering how I can incorporate them into my crafts like my miniture jar cozies...

    I love what you've done Jennie, and I have to agree about that makes you just want to squish it :o)

    Hope your FiL's procedure goes well x

    How lovely to be going to a petting zoo..and brave too! :o)
    Your Mothers Day presentation sound lovely, I bet you can't wait to hear little Sophie do her singing...oh bless her!

    I shall hope for sunny skies for you this week Jennie.
    Have a fabulous time,
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  2. Ohhhhhh--these are darling. Love the added touch to your bottles. This is so simple and yet so lovely to look at. Inspirational project, Jennie!

  3. Hi Jennie! I love that yarn, and your idea for the bottles. :-)

    I hope everything goes very smoothly for your father-in-law's surgery.

    Your Mother's Day festivities sound wonderful!


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