Monday, May 9, 2011

Makeover Monday: 5/9

 For today's project, I rooted around in my stash of cotton yarn for the brightest colors I could find!
I had so much fun making this nest set that I couldn't stop at my usual 3 bowls- I made 5!!  I call these my gypsy bowls, for their exotic and colorful nature.  Look for them in sosorosey sometime this week, or ask for a set made just for you.  I have PLENTY of yarn left, lol!
I'm feeling a bit like that first photo of the yarn- somewhat frazzled and coming undone.  We had an amazing Mother's Day weekend; having the chance to spend time being a mother with my mother was really special.  But, whenever we go away- even for a weekend- it takes a little time to get back in the groove. 
I realized today that Sophie only has a month left of preschool.  That means *I* only have a month left before summer vacation!  So, in an effort to get things done that need getting done, I have appointments this week for Sophie's dentist, an oil change, and my hair.  Next weekend I'm off again- this time to Frederick, MD.  I'll have my semiannual shop-til-you-drop, eat-and-drink-til-you-bust, talk-til-you're hoarse overnight with my best gal pal.  I'll also bring a few goodies to restock the shelves at The Muse.  More on that later in the week!
Enough about me- what's new with YOU?  Any special thrift finds or projects?  Did you have a wonderful Mother's Day?  Do leave a comment and share!  Hope you have a happy, happy week... I'll be back to regular blogging as soon as I have dug myself out from under this mountain of laundry :)


  1. Oh it's always so good to be back home. I crave the routine, structure, and orderliness I only find in my own humble little home.

    Mother's Day was lovely. Quiet. Simple. FINALLY convinced Big Glenn to not go overboard. He has a habit of buying too much. This year he got me one of those ceramic bowls for yarn; little birds perched on top for the yarn to pass through. I'm sure you've seen them on Etsy. Nice item for gals like us!

  2. Jennie, that's an awesome set! I love it. :-)

    Your big week sounds wonderful. I also have a big week. I am defending my master's portfolio tomorrow, then graduating on Friday. Whoo hoo!

  3. Hi Jennie! Those bowls are so cute!

    We had a great Mother's Day weekend here, too. I worked on a long thought over project - something sentimental that celebrates my family! I love it! Perfect project for the holiday weekend! If you're interested :o)

  4. That bowl set is so lovely and colourful :o)

    I'm so pleased you had such a lovely Mother Day weekend, for you and your Mum :o)

    Your upcoming weekend sounds good to me too! And I love it when you show us your Muse collection...I just love looking at all that crochet goodness stacked together:o)
    Have a great rest of the week Jennie, and make the most of your month :o)


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