Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

Any avid thrifter will tell you that one of their favorite places to look is in the cart of the worker stocking the shelves.  The lure of fresh pickings!  I try not to be too obvious about this, as I don't want to get in their way or be a pest.  BUT, if I glance in and happen to see something... I have no problem saying, "Oh, can I see that please?"  That's how I found these like-new Vera pillowcases the other day... lucky me!


  1. Great find! They're beautiful.

  2. You're quite the thrifter!! As a Mom knowing her daughter, I cannot for the life of me, figure out where you came by such awesome skills and crafting abilities! I truly believe you got a lot of your "gene stuff" from your Grandmothers!! Both were crafty and thrifty as well as congenial, as you are, which I've gleaned from your most engaging blog!!! I know those Grandma's are smiling their approval on you each and every day that you settle down and create!!

  3. These are lovely pillowslips Jennie, so bright and fresh.

    Our thrifting shops aren't big enough for someone to stock the shelves with a cart! LOL
    But I sure wish they were :o)

    Have a fantastic day today Jennie :o)


  4. I think you're just making the employee's job easier by emptying their cart for them :o) !!!

    Apparently I'm getting a reputation at the thrift store I visit most often. Yesterday the manager spotted me (and my four kids - I guess we're hard to miss :o) !!!) and said, "Oh, you're the one that likes linens, right?! I've got a whole bunch in the back...I'll go get them for you.) He brought out an overflowing cart and I found quite a few vintage sheets! I guess I don't mind getting a reputation in this way. Ha, ha!

    I posted about my fabulous finds if you're interested!


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