Friday, June 17, 2011

And The Winner Is...

A very big thank you to all who played the Price is Right game this time!  There were some super good guesses, but in the end, the closest without going over is.....
Kristine of CelticKnot with her fantastic entry of $24.51!!!!!


  1. Yay! I'm so excited! I've always loved playing this game, and I can't believe I was only $0.60 off! Thank you so much, Jennie!

  2. Congratulations to Kristine :o)
    What a good guess!

    I love playing this game too!
    I have no idea what prices are like over there, so I just look at the pictures, add a few dollars, then at the end I add a few more for luck, and 'Bob's your Uncle', that's my guess!

    But it makes me smile so much, I love playing it :o)

    Have a fantastic weekend Jennie, I hope you have a lovely break too:o)

  3. Oh, I missed this one... but maybe next time... what a fun idea! Congrats CelticKnot!

    btw, Jennie...
    love the name soso bucks :)

  4. Thank you, Donna and Yippee! :-D


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