Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Getting Around to Getting Organized

Found this cute fruity vintage mail organizer the other day.  Looking at it on my pile of things to get photographed and listed got me thinking of ALL of the items on my to-do list.  Do you ever get totally overwhelmed with the gobs of things that need to get done just to keep life running kind of smoothly? 
I'm usually fairly organized and efficient when it comes to the day-to-day, but sometimes, especially right after a vacation, I feel like I just can't get it together.  This is one of those times, so if I owe you a thank you or an email, or a phone call or something, please give me a grace period.  I should pop back into superwoman mode soon enough, lol.


  1. Yep!
    I get totally overwhelmed. Lists upon lists get made up and stapled together!
    Then my only pleasure is crossing something off!
    You'll catch up soon enough lovely Jennie, we have total faith in you :o)

    Have a great weekend my lovely.

  2. Oh Jennie, this post seems like it was written for me. We just moved into our new apartment, and there are boxes EVERYWHERE. We have made huge progress in the past day, but we still have a ways to go. I'm almost all tapped out of superwoman powers. :-D


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