Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

Aw.  There we are 9 years ago, at the most wonderful wedding on the most beautiful day.  Would you believe that yesterday, on our real anniversary morning, we woke up to our radio alarm playing our first dance wedding song?  How's that for a sign of an amazing year to come?!


  1. Awww, you're gorgeous! What a beautiful bride, awesome picture, and an amazing story. Happy Anniversary! <3

  2. You guys look so happy! And wonderful! Congrats and many many happy years to come!

  3. Wow Jennie!! You look amazing!
    How beautiful are you?!!

    This picture is so special, look at both your amazing smiles :o)

    And to wake up to that song playing too....

    I so hope you had a most brilliant day yesterday jennie.

    Here's to an amazing next 9 years too :o)
    All good wishes to you both my lovely friend xxOOxx

  4. How's that for "timing"!!! Congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary!! So sorry I missed telling you that on your special day! How could I forget one of the most beautiful memories I have?! That photo brought back many happy memories! Just looking at you two makes me happy!! A very beautiful couple...who made a treasure beyond wonderful Sophie Rose!!! Thank You!!!! :)

  5. lovely photo, congrats on 9 years!!!

  6. what a beautiful bride, jennie. congrats on your 9th anniversary. here's to many more years of happiness and togetherness. xoxoxo

  7. Hi Jenny, I just came by your blog and found this amazing picture... happiness is coming right out of it! My wedding is in 2,5 weeks from now and I just wish it will be as pretty as yours... Enjoy this new year that started with Your song, indeed very special!
    Love, Maaike

  8. happy anniversary!!!!!! it totally slipped my mind I kept thinking it was the 18th! I had the 8 part right! lol you looked so pretty in your wedding gown!

  9. Oh, so sorry I missed this post earlier, Jennie. Just spotted it today. What a lovely picture and truly a BEAUTIFUL couple. Happy Anniversary!

  10. That's sweet! I've had oddities happen like that too. I made artichoke soup on valentine's day and had two hearts appear in the soup. I took a photo of it. Those are the sweet moments in life we all live for.


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