Saturday, August 27, 2011

Daily Dose of Cute

How sweet is this little bunny toothpick holder?  So teeny, so white.  I *almost* threw this out by accident yesterday because it was wrapped in a piece of white paper with other larger and heavier items.  Yet another reason to unwrap and wash/list/put away your thrift finds within a reasonable timeframe after purchase- less chance of forgetting what you bought!
As you can see, we still have power.  Woohoo!  The storm hasn't quite made its way to our neck of the woods yet, though.  We are getting ready to go on a family walk through the neighborhood to burn off a little energy and try to ward off cabin fever.  We shall see what tonight brings.  Donna, thank you for thinking of us- you are the best!!


  1. I love that little bunny, I am so glad you didn't accidentally throw it away!

  2. I hope you had a nice walk today Jennie :o)

    We've been back into Devon today about a 4 hour drive away, just to have a lovely different day out, and it was great, although I have to admit you and yours have been in my thoughts all day!

    GGrrr to Irene!! (shakes fist!!)
    Do take care my lovely friend, and stay safe.
    I know you will!

    Sending you love and hugs across the pond.
    Donna xxOOxx

  3. love it!! hope you are staying safe from the fury of irene, been thinking of you these past few days. hope all is well!


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