Monday, August 1, 2011

Makeover Monday: 8/1

To be clear, this is NOT what this downstairs closet looked like "before".  It was so jammed with *stuff* that I couldn't even bring myself to take a picture.  So, this is the "after" I cleaned it out and Mike hung the organizer racks.  
They may not look fancy, but these shelves are super duper extra sturdy, just as I requested.  Functionality was my main concern for this closet, and since I knew what I'd be hanging- hundreds of bedsheets!- it was my primary request that above all, these shelves be hung to withstand tremendous weight.  Hubby took care to secure each support to a stud, and I appreciate the time and care he put into this job.  An elephant could hang from these shelves, and they would bend before they'd ever fall.
Ooh.  Ahhh.  There she is getting all filled up!  Who knew that it could take days to fold sheets and get them hung just so?  As I suspected, I love to just stand in front of this closet and gaze and sigh.  Now I just need some fabric orders to come in so that I can now enjoy finding the sheets I need quickly and easily!
Happy August, my friends!  I don't know about you, but I'm just fine saying goodbye to July.  This week I am looking forward to a visit from my parents and Michigan family.  Sophie will attend her last Tae Kwan Do class for awhile, and she'll also enjoy cooking camp each morning.  We will be buying school supplies for Kindergarten, too- woohooooo.  And, on August 4th, I'll celebrate my sosovintage two year anniversary.  What do you have going on this week?


  1. Oh Jennie, it's *beautiful*! I, too, would stand there for hours admiring the beautiful colors and patterns. I am very jealous of your closet and fabric. This picture makes me want to sew something, and I don't know how to sew!

  2. Oh my gosh! I would love to have a whole closet to hang my sheets in, I would stare at them all day too!

  3. We are moving in a few weeks and I was thinking of doing something similar with my fabrics in our "guest room/sewing room" closet! You've got me convinced looks great and so easy to access! Way better than storage tubs...

  4. omg that is an organized womans dream come true!!! great job to you and mike for making that closet one heck of a beautiful thing. xo


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