Monday, August 15, 2011

Makeover Monday: 8/15

Deja vu!  Yes, this is the same fabric shot from last week.  I'm still working on this project, but I did make some progress to show you!
Last week I had only completed the very bottom blue part.  Now I've gotten into the fun bit- adding the ruffles!  It is 4" high and about 5" wide (including the ruffles).  I should have the finished product to show off sometime soon!!  Hope my special customer is liking what she sees so far ;)
So, if you've popped into one of my shops recently, you've seen that I am on vacation!  Guess where I am??  Back in Moab, Utah!!  I'll be here through Saturday, living the crazy desert lifestyle.  Up and out early to beat the heat, back in from adventuring around lunch time, then lazing around the pool in the afternoon.  Maybe a siesta.  Back out for dinner and more adventures when it starts to cool down in the evening. 
We have some fun trips we're hoping to do- including getting Sophie on her first rafting trip down the Colorado River.  I'll still be online and blogging away, and I plan to post photos, too.  Hope you have an equally exciting week on tap!!

1 comment:

  1. Oooo.. I can't wait to see your photos!! :o)
    (I must get round to doing a blog post of my own soon!!)

    I wish I was going on Sophies raft ride down the Colorado river! It sounds so exciting!
    I so hope you all have a fab time :o)

    Love your ruffles, the bowl is coming along beautifully!
    When I first clicked on, i thought I was having a case of 'deja vou' with the photo LOL ;o)
    Have a fantastic time Jennie (and your family).
    Take care my lovely friend,
    Donna xxOOxx


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