Sunday, September 18, 2011

Daily Dose of Cute

You know me and my vintage playing card obsession.  Well, the other day I spotted a bag full of 6 decks of cards.  Five of the decks were plain, basic, new.  One deck, the one holding the little gem above, was a tattered old box held together with masking tape.  I could make out the words "animal rummy" on the side, but there wasn't any identifying info.  No year.  No images.  For $2, I decided to take the chance.  It worked out well for me- and for my cashier friend.  I opened the bag after I paid, gave her the 5 newer decks for her kids and slipped my ratty old box into my bag.  When I got home, I discovered the most precious deck of cards I think I've ever seen- complete with seals, kittens, elephants, puppies, lions and more.  This bunny is my favorite, but if you'd like to see any of the other animals, just let me know :)

1 comment:

  1. This is just so cute! I'd love to see the kitten one as well?

    You seem to be lucky with all your vintage card finds Jennie, and I do so adore looking at them all :o)

    Thankyou kindly for sharing :o)

    Have a lovely day.
    Donna xxOOxx


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