Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day

We woke up to pouring rain this morning.  Sophie's excitement over the first day, however, was undeterred.
She came out of her room earlier than ever and bounded through her breakfast and morning routine.  The rain slowed a bit as we headed to the bus stop.  Our bus driver is the same one from last year, so she was right on time at 8:40 am.
Sophie really didn't want to stop for a photo, so this one was all I could manage.  The driver asked if Sophie was in kindergarten, and when I said yes, she had her sit in the first seat.  I heard a little voice from the middle of the bus yell, "Hi Sophie!"... one of her neighbor acquaintances.  Sophie turned to the friend and waved, the driver closed the door, and like that, they were gone.
I'm going to try to keep myself busy today- anxiously waiting to hear how the first day went.  I was so happy to see my baby head off on her new adventure without fear or trepidation.  May it always be so.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. THAT'S MY GIRL!!!! She always looks forward with a ready smile and faces the world with charm and a sunny disposition!! Yep, that's my girl!!! :)

  3. Oh what an absolute sweetie! She looks so grown up though Jennie :o)

    Just in the snap shots you show us she seems to be growing so quickly.

    I'm looking forward to hearing that her day was fab too!
    Yay to Jennies Nan :o)


  4. Teary eyed here, Jennie. Tomorrow is our first day--I'm in a strange mood; it's always that way for me before school starts.

    My kids will be a bit nervous tomorrow, but I know they'll move along quickly with the morning routine. I'm sure I will walk back into my house and cry.

  5. i remember my first day of kindergarten, I was so scared, but your baby girl looks so brave and full of life! i don't know at first hand what it's like to watch my baby(ies) go off to school, but i bet I would be a cry baby!

  6. i't just the first step of many she will take away from you, because you have begun to teach her to be strong, confident and brave. congratulations to borh of you!! and much love, leslie

  7. what a big girl!!! she could have even gotten away with wearing those pink flowered rain boots in the a.m. ;)
    glad to hear you both made it thru the day. all the best for a great year. xoxo


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