Saturday, September 3, 2011


The fat cat party hat! 
Let's look at this boy a little more closely....
Aww.  So stately.  So handsome.  But yep, he has clearly been partying too hard.  He's just wiped out from all of that eating and sleeping.  Wiped OUT.
This look was inspired by the guinea pig post from last month.  So whaddaya think- would anyone else be likely to want one of these organic cotton beauties for their party animal?  $12.  One size fits most.  Easy on, easy off.  Multiple color options!


  1. LOLOLOLOLOLOL! I'm speechless! What a great photo!

  2. This is ADORABLE! What a sweet, patient, tired cat. :-)

  3. awwww your kitty looks so handsome in his new party hat! I'm afraid my cats would n't like having something on their heads, they can't stand even wearing collars too! but that hat is so precious!

  4. What a most patient, gorgeous boy he is :o)

    My family joked I should crochet capes and hats for Geri's hamsters...dwarf hamsters lol :o)

    Have a fantastic week Jennie.
    Hope all's gone well with Sophie going to school. xxOOxx


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