Monday, September 12, 2011

Makeover Monday: 9/12

Today's makeover begins with an ultrasoft, houndstoothy gingham cotton flannel receiving blanket.
And with a little crochet magic, it becomes the first "Baby's First Eco-Friendly Ornament" of the 2011 holiday season. 
I have been collecting pretty blankets all summer in hopes that these will remain a popular item for Christmas.  I even kept the 2010 price... truly, where else can you find such a cute gift for $10??  I know, I know...Etsy.  But still....
Saturday's company picnic at the amusement park was an ABSOLUTE blast.  We walked our tails off for about six hours, and it was worth every step.  It was a beautiful day, Sophie was just the right height to be allowed onto many of the rides we all wanted to try, and the food and drinks were plentiful and yummy.  Apparently, I do still have what it takes to ride the coasters.  Not so sure about the aftereffects, though.  I'm hurtin' now- bruised leg, stiff neck, and a definite elbow issue of some sort.  It only hurts when I touch it, though, so you know- I just won't do that! 
Due to the massive rain totals last week and many washed out and dangerous roads in our region, Sophie had no school last Friday.  I am looking forward to a dry, full week of school this week.  Hope you all have the same!!


  1. I so LOVE your crocheted stars jennie :o)

    Pleased to hear you can still ride the coasters :o)
    I'm honestly not sure I could! lol

    Hope you have a better week weather wise my lovely, and Sophie gets in!

    Have a great week jennie,
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  2. I love those ornaments you make! I am thinking I should order a couple closer to xmas time, one for me and one for my hubs! i need to ask him what color he would like! good work!


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