Monday, September 26, 2011

Makeover Monday: 9/26

In honor of fall finally arriving- even if it is in name only at this point- I chose this harvesty leafy paisley pillowcase for today's project.
The result... a happy little "ball bowl" with autumnal pops of color!

And, a request for a baby's first ornament star with purple led me to this receiving blanket.

Paired with a lavender ribbon and name charm, it is a purple star fit for a brand new princess!
Happy Monday, dear friends!  And happy birthday to my hubby, too!  I have a week full of errands and appointments ahead of me.  How about you... any special plans for this last week of September?


  1. Happy Birthday to your husband Jennie :o) I hope you both have a lovely day/evening too :o)

    Love your bowl and your little star ornament -they're very pretty sheets and blankets that you've used!

    We've somehow lost one of our car keys (!!!) so this week is going to be spent looking for it, or crying about having to fork out at least £200.00 !!!!! for a new one :o( (just for a key!!)
    Sometimes I wish I was a car manufacturer or garage owner lol.

    Have a great week lovely Jennie

  2. Oh, that Audrey star is so sweet! I love the colors and the name too.

    This week the kids have no school on Thursday and Friday. So we are going to the American Girl doll store in NYC. Woo hoo! We'll be hopping on a train early Friday morning. I think I'm more excited than anyone else here. My son is not going--"too girly" he claims.

    Good luck with your appointments.


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