Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

I recently had the opportunity to talk via email with the amazingly kindhearted and stunningly talented photographer, Meg Hamilton.  I saw her work for Sarah's wedding on Style Me Pretty, and fell in love with the detail shots that she took of the fabric wrapped bales.  I took a chance and sent her a message asking if I might be able to use one of the photos in my Etsy shop.  She wrote back with the go ahead- and even included a couple of extra shots, all cropped square and ready to use!  Since I'm not yet sure how to use them for a listing, I wanted to share them here. 



Beautiful, aren't they?  Do you have a favorite?  Perhaps you even have an idea or two about how I can do an Etsy listing for wedding fabrics...  I would really love to hear your thoughts!!


  1. Hmmm--don't really have any advice here. But that was so nice of her to let you use her photos. Beautifully done. What an honor. I guess you could "push" your vintage fabrics as party fare--her pix truly illustrate what can be done with upcycled fabric.

  2. These are fabulous photos Jennie.
    My favourite two are the last two..they show a sense of size-of what can easily and beautifully be achieved, and the colours are brighter (on my screen anyway :o)

    I think selling 'wedding fabrics' is a fantastic idea, but I have no ideas to help you out there my lovely :o(



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