Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

Today's treasure: custom orders.  I love them!  The jade bowl is working up fantastically- that ribbing really gives it some extra texture.  Ruffles will be coming next.
Does this yarn look familiar?  It's the same one I use for my original snuggle sacque.  A new customer from across the pond wanted a 25" by 35" blanket made instead of a snuggler... it came out so soft and light.  Any baby would love this blankie.  Heck, any adult would too :)

My newest project is for a custom lidded clutter keeper to match this fabric.  Aren't the colors dreamy?  I can't wait to get started on that one this weekend!
And last but not least, I'll have a big "reveal" on Saturday to show off a special set that I made for my sister-in-law as a gift for her friend's new baby.  It's purty darn precious, IIDSSM.  Not sure if that is a "common" texter shortcut.  Probably not- texters are more than likely too cool to say IIDSSM.  You know what it is, though- right?  Not to imply that you aren't cool...


  1. If I Do Say So Myself !!!
    Can't wait to see the set !!!!

    Beautiful work as always Jennie !

  2. That bowl is turning out lovely. Can't wait to see the ruffles:o)

    OOOooo, I want one!! LOL That blanket i mean! It looks gorgeous, the type of blankie you can't stop cuddling :o) Lucky customer.

    Love that fabric choice for the lidded keeper too.
    Looking forward to peeking at your set.

    Have a great weekend Jennie.

    P.s. Thankyou for your kind comments on my blog post today you lovely lady :o)

    Donna xxOOxx

  3. Woo hoo--custom orders!! Love 'em too. Congrats, Jennie!


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