Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Work in Progress

The jade bowl is finished!  I don't want to show too much, because it is a surprise for someone.  She (the bowl, not the person) is on her way north with her ruffly sister.  Safe travels :)
Here is another shot of the fabric I shared last week.  The fabric is called "Cornwall Garden" and my customer is having curtains made (on Etsy, of course) from this.  She shared the photo to inspire me to choose colors that will create a lidded clutter keeper to match.
Here are the fabrics I chose...

... and here is the keeper so far.  I'll post more photos of the finished project- hopefully in time for Makeover Monday!


  1. Pleased you've finished your jade bowl, it looks awesome! :o)

    You are amazing at choosong colours Jennie! I just can't get the hang of it...I always kinda take myself back to the 80's (in the uk)....bright orange, garish greens...puffy, blousy things...bright hair..I won't go on, but you get the picture huh? ;o)

    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  2. Bowl turned out quite nice! Colors are so vibrant...lovely work!

    I missed your post on the baby sherpa set....totally awesome!!! I love that hat and those bitty mittens....what a beautiful set!!! A modern lass for sure in that hat with the little flower...which adds that special dash for a perfectly charming look!! You did it again!!!!

  3. i'm loving how this is turning out! great colors.


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