Monday, October 17, 2011

Makeover Monday: 10/17

I found this pretty patchworky pillowcase while thrifting the other day, and couldn't wait to see how all of the colors would come together in a crocheted bowl.
I wish there was more of the red showing, but other than that, I really like the subtle dreaminess of this blend. 
How was your weekend?  We had perfect fall weather, so we were able to rally and get down to the neighborhood Oktoberfest celebration on Saturday night.  They did it up big this year, complete with a German band and Bavarian pretzels.  There was loads of other food, too- sausages and cabbage and potatoes, every appetizer under the sun, side dishes, and super yummy desserts.  German bottled beer and a keg, too.  There was a pinata for the kids and then a big bonfire in the fire pit for whoever was still around.  We met some new neighbors and hung out with old friends, while Sophie played kickball and did crafts with the other kids.
This week I'll be going to my first meeting for the "real" job, and doing lots of volunteering at Sophie's school for the book fair.  How about you?  What's on your agenda?  Hope you have a fantastic week!

1 comment:

  1. I love this cute bowl :o)

    So pleased you actually got out on Saturday and had a good time!

    I've been thinking of you today, and sending good thoughts your way:o)
    Hope it all went well with your 'real' job lovely Jennie:o)

    have a great week now.


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