Sunday, October 2, 2011

Price Is Right: Game 10

Come join the fun!  The more, the merrier!
The Game: I show you my thrift haul from one recent outing. You leave a comment with your best guess as to how much I paid. This does include VA sales tax. The person who comes closest WITHOUT going over wins.
The Rules: One clear and definitive guess per person- no amending your answer. Please do not choose the same answer as a person who came before you- read the comments prior to leaving your guess. Game runs through Tuesday the 4th, 5pm EST and is open to US and international players. The receipt and winner will be posted here: please be sure I know how to get in touch with you either through blog, website or email. Play nice and have fun!!
The Prize: The satisfaction of winning, AND $5 in "soso bucks" that can be applied toward any purchase in either of my shops. Can be saved and spent at a later time, up to one year. Can be combined with other wins or offers. Not redeemable for cash. Non-transferable.
The Stuff: This week the loot comes from The Salvation Army, non-sale day. Prices have been getting higher here every week for vintage items of probable value. Linens and smaller "knick knack" prices have stayed the same.
So, without further ado- here are the goodies:

Ah-mazing vintage bed sheet

Two milk glass mugs

Sweet vintage pillowcase

Two gorgeous pieces of Pyrex restaurantware.
Please don't be shy about leaving a guess/comment.  This game isn't a game if people don't play!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend... hope to see you tomorrow for Makeover Monday :)


  1. I love that sheet and those milk cups Jennie.

    OK. My guess is $15.60

    I love this game :o)

    Hope you have a lovely day Jennie.
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  2. I love this game too! My guess is $12.67.

  3. Cool finds, as always, Jennie!

    My guess is $8.33.

  4. Oh, the Corningware is wonderful!

    I'll guess $8.97

    Thanks for the game!

  5. Now remember that I have Hawaii


  6. I say $10.40. I love this game even though I've never even come close to winning I still play it whenever dear Jennie chooses to get one going!

  7. Ok, second time trying to do this. My guess is $6.24. Kathryn

  8. hmm... $13 dollars. that's my story and i'm stickin' to it!

  9. hmmm... i'm going with $9.50. i don't believe anyone else guessed that. can't wait til 5:00! :)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)