Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

We have a real treat today thanks to a very creative and generous sosovintage customer!  Erica purchased some fabrics from the shop way back in December and March and May to be used in her September 2011 wedding.  These photos, courtesy of Erica and the uber talented David Zwickerhill of Zwickerhill Photography, show how she used them!
Is this a gorgeous bride, or what?  That belt was handmade with sosovintage fabric! 
Super fancy bow in back... and I see a peek of the fabric in her hair accessory, too.

Look at those shoes!!  So perfect with the belt.  I think some sosovintage fabric ended up in that bunting back there- isn't it fun?
And more bunting!  Amazing, right?  So festive and so perfect for this couple and their venue.  Erica put together a truly phenomenal handmade wedding, with many, many purchases supporting small businesses on Etsy.  I am thrilled to have had a chance to play a tiny part in such wonderfulness!
What a beautiful couple! 
Again, all photos are credited to David Zwickerhill- what a fantastic job he did of capturing the emotion and essence of the day.  I had an opportunity to peruse hundreds of Steve and Erica's wedding day photos online, and I can't even begin to tell you about all of the fun attention to detail I saw.  Thank you so much, Erica, for sharing some of your special day with us!  Best wishes to the newlyweds :)


  1. I love love love!!! oh how I wish I did something like that for my own wedding, I have quite a few regrets on how things were done for my wedding, I had a few of my own touches, but most of the decorations were not even my own imput, but if I liked vintage fabrics back then, they would of been used greatly! but I am glad this wedding went off w/o a hitch! good job in your creations, I will consider vintage fabrics when I renew my vows on my 25th wedding anniversary (which is almost 21 years from now! eek!)

  2. What gorgeous photos Jennie!
    How proud you must be to have had an imput into all these details :o)

    I *SO* love the Brides shoes too! They are absolutely gorgeous!

    Congratulations on the Bride and Groom...and thankyou most kindly for sharing such a special time with us :o)



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