Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Little Sarcasm Goes A Long Way

This mug just cracks me up.  I found it at the thrift last week, but I'm having trouble bringing myself to part with it.  It represents so many things that I've been grappling with lately- my shop policies, the USPS, and PayPal.  The expectations, rights, and responsibilities of all three.  The holiday shopping season has gotten off to a rocky start in my opinion, and I am very ready for smooth sailing to prevail!


  1. Love the mug Jennie :o)

    Hmmm.., I hope you have a smoother time with the three things you've been grappling with :o(

    Have a lovely week Jennie,
    Take care,
    Love Donna xxOOxx

  2. The three entities you've been grappling with are a sure fire way to hasten your time on earth! When working with any one of those agencies causes grief...having to go round with all three is cause for many sleepless nights and heavy headaches....hope your new week gets off to a fabulous start and finishes with all of your issues with them resolved!!


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