Monday, November 7, 2011

Makeover Monday: 11/7

A new customer sent me this piece of thin cotton fabric that belonged to her grandmother.  Though the piece was only about 2 feet square, she was hoping I could make something from it to serve as a keepsake.
I had to cut the material relatively thin in order to have enough to "go around".  Hehe.  But, the fabric was very brittle from age, and I had a few scary moments when I'd pull my hook through and hear a faint "rip" sound.  I think it turned out beautifully, though, and I hope Pam thinks so, too.
Happy Monday!  I have an unusual week this week, as Sophie has off Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  Today and tomorrow are teacher workdays, and Friday is the Veteran's Day holiday.  Lucky for her, she is off being spoiled rotten by my parents in PA.  I have her first quarter conference tomorrow, and I'm all aflutter about it.  My first one!  Other than that, I have a big bunch of stars and bowls to make- more on the details of those orders later in the week.  I hope you have a super day!

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