Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

These pretty hand painted faux birdhouse boxes are on just about every street corner in my neighborhood.  Different designs on each.  The top lifts up, and you'll find a supply of plastic bags inside.  See, we have a very "pet loving" community, as well as a state (and common courtesy) law that says you must pick up after your pooch.
I think it's so nice that our neighborhood garden club made these boxes and signs!  They are aesthetically pleasing, and serve as both reminder and assistant to help dog walkers "doo" the right thing.  Sorry, couldn't resist!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!
    These are so pretty! The only things for dogs (and their owners) we have over here (that I know of) are doggy poo bins!
    Bright red with a black lift up lid...Urgh. It's the only thing that makes me feel better about not having a dog LOl ;o)

    I actually managed to view this post earlier on my phone! Yay hey! lol

    have a lovely evening Jennie.


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