Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

It's always kind of a shock for me to see someone's collection being sold at a thrift store.  In the case of these angels, I even know who collected them!  Not personally, mind you.  But the collector carefully labelled each of these beauties with her own name and the year they were acquired.  I hope that wherever she is, Ms. Harman knows that these sweet girls are being lovingly cared for.  And that they will one day find new homes where they will be cherished.

1 comment:

  1. This is indeed dear Jennie, a most beautiful flock of Angels and just in time for Christmas too :o)

    I've been trying to work out which one is you, and I kinda thought you are like one on the back row, second from the right. But the trouble is her halo looks like it's slipped, and I know most definitely that your hasn't, so I think I will have to think again :o)

    Sending you love a most big hug for all your kind words and 'beings theres',
    Donna xxOOxx

    p.s. We arrived home a little while ago :o) I will email over the weekend xxOOxx


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