Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Daily Dose of ...

Trolls!!??  This one is just for you, Karen :)
Who knew they made troll doll bedsheets?  I'm just happy that it's dated 1992- I can sell it.  No offense to you troll lovers, but these little guys and gals kinda creep me out.  There is, however, a wizard troll on the sheet that I find pretty cute!


  1. OMG, this has my name written all over it! I love trolls, how can you say they are creepy? LOL!

  2. LOL...I think that sheet would give me a few nightmares though ;o)


  3. I remember crying when I got a troll doll for Christmas when I was little. I thought it was so ugly. I like them now though.


  4. omg i love trolls! I had about 100 of them as a grade schooler! I still have a handful left now in my married home...


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