Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

How is this Friday the 13th going for you?  Things are clicking right along over here, but the weather has been on the schizophrenic side lately.  We had snow on Monday, then yesterday it was near 60 degrees.  Today sees us with a wind chill in the 20s!  Crazy!
For this week's fabric favorites, I've chosen some flowery beauties to share for anyone out there wanting to dream about springtime projects.

I think the first two are my favorites this week?  How about you?


  1. Goodness your weather sounds as bad as ours!
    We've actually got a cold snap at the moment though.
    And you know me, I'm hoping for snow :o)

    I think my favourite one this week has to be the second one :o)

    Have a fabulous, happy weekend Jennie :)

  2. Our weather is all over the place too.
    LOVE the second one. Reminds me of my grandmother and her love of pink and green.


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