Sunday, January 15, 2012

Super Soup

I needed a quick dinner idea last week, and I surfed around on the internet for a good soup recipe.  I was attracted to this one because it has both beans and pasta- family favorites.  I omitted the bacon, parsley and red pepper flakes and it was still really tasty.  Served with a crusty french baguette... yum!  Do you have a favorite soup recipe?  Please share in the comments if you can- I'm always looking for a good soup for these cold winter nights.


  1. Yum! I made a great potatoe and leek soup the other day. 6/7 potatoes, 4 leeks, 1 onion. Chop into pieces. Lightly sautee onions and leek soft. Make 1 liter vegetable stock, put in potatoes, leeks and onion. Cook for 20/30 minutes. Drain most of liquid and put aside. Mix boiled veggies with hand mixer until pureed, add in the stock to the thickness you prefer. Top off with 100 ml of cream, slat and pepper to taste. Serve with parsley sprinkled on top and with bread and cheese.

  2. Hi! I found your blog from My Rose Valley and thought I would pipe in. I could eat soup EVERY SINGLE DAY. Here's a link to one of my favorites!

  3. How did I miss this yummy post?
    I think your soup looks and sounds delicious!
    We're all bean and pasta fans here, so I'm going to try this one out!
    I was going to give my yummy leek and potatoe recipe, but you already have one of them :o)



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