Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

Well, the biggest treasure today is that Sophie is feeling better.  We all had a much needed good night's rest last night.  Whew! 
This is also a treasure that I recently received as a gift from my favorite Aunt!  I knew from the cover that this little hardback was old, but it wasn't until I opened the cover that I saw HOW old!
And if you think THAT'S something- wait til you see the copyright date on the next page!

The illustrations in the book have a beautiful asian quality- delicate birds and flowers and pagodas. 
The entire story is a love poem- one that really makes you consider the "someone like yous" in your life.  May we all have at least one!
And on that note, I'll share a third treasure for the day- my husband.  There are not many men who would have handled Tuesday night the way that he did.  He jumped in where needed, no matter the mess or the hour.  He did the lion's share of the cleaning up, when I had trouble even walking around the "scene".  I am eternally grateful!


  1. That is so beautiful... I do love antique books.. and that is a corker! Lovely poem too... I just ordered a copy for my Kindle...of course it won't be beautiful, or smell 'antiquey' but at least I can read the poems! :)x

  2. Jennie, what a beautiful gift your Auntie has sent you!
    What a lovely Aunt she is :)
    Just the picture on the cover makes you want topick it up and have a good nose through!
    I love old books. There's just something about them to treasure isn't there?

    So pleased you had a better night! I'm never any good at all with sick..
    I can do anything else, but sick I'm afraid is Gary's job! ;o)
    Good on Mike for stepping in :o)

    Have a lovely evening Jennie, and take care,
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx


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