Saturday, January 28, 2012


I found this cool wooden ruler with handy industrial style attachment at the thrift the other day.  I've never seen anything like this!  It has hem "slots" along the sides, so I'm guessing it has something to do with sewing.  Have you ever seen something like this?  Do you know what it's called?  Thanks in advance for any help!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW Jennie!
    Neither me nor Gary can believe you've posted this picture!!
    This morning, we were having a long conversation about wood rulers!!
    I used to have a fold up yard stick (know the type I mean?) and it's been mislaid (amongst my crafty stuff no doubt). And Gary's got a couple of wooden metre rules in the garage that he keeps moaning to me about as I keep pinching them! (And not putting them back lol)
    Which led to a long conversation on rulers and wood rulers and the types and uses!!
    Then this afternoon I pop in to see you and look!
    But in answer to your question, I haven't got a clue about your ruler! :o) LOL sorry.
    It looks like a nifty bit of kit for hemming though!

  3. Hehe- Donna- that is just so odd that you were just talking about rulers! So, after reading your comment, I took another look at this thing. The ruler is actually 15 inches long, and what's super strange is that it is numbered 7 through 20 (length being 6 to 21). What in the world?

  4. I've tried to email a link, but it may just come up as an addy. xx

  5. Jennie,

    I would have to see the whole picture - but this should have a stand that sits on the floor. Your mannequin (or skirt/dress wearer) has the unhemmed garment on. The metal piece adjusts up and down and you hold it against the unhemmed fabric - it gives you a level/equal hem measurement as you pin it up the whole way around.


  6. Thank you Donna and Liz!! I am so happy to know what I have here. There is no stand, but I'm hoping someone will want this piece of history anyway :)


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