Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

Good Friday Morning, Friends!  I've had a truly lovely and relaxing week.  No major appointments, no big surprises- just the way I like it.  The mild weather must have people getting a jump start on spring cleaning, because the thrift shops have been teeming with treasures.  I decided to go with a shabby chic sort of theme for this week's *new* sheet fabrics:

It's a no-brainer that the top one is my favorite.  I'm all about the pink and roses combo!   But wouldn't these all look nice together in a little girl's quilt?  {Or a big girl's quilt!}
In other news, Mom's rug is now halfway finished.  I plan to share updated photos soon- maybe even tomorrow.  I've also gotten the go ahead on the chair pad order I've been talking about, so you can expect to see those soon too. 
And how about in your world?  How have you been?  What are you working on?  You know I love to hear about all of your plans and happenings, so please leave a comment if you can!  ;)


  1. OOo.. yes. The top one is my favourite too, but I do love that green colour on the second one as well -so fresh and springy :o)

    Well, I've had a bit of a dodgy week, but I'm holding out hope for a good, relaxing weekend, and some SNOW!!! We may or may not get some on Saturday afternoon they say... But get this..the snow is due in the south east of the UK. We kinda live bang in the middle of the south east and south west, and they actually said that our 'snow' might fall as 'rain'..... LOL. Doesn't that just mean it's gonna rain? :D :D
    You know me I wasn't very happy that we might not get the snow, but I cracked up at the way they put it :D

    Have a fab evening Jennie.
    Take care my dear,
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  2. Oh! That second one is my favorite! I've seen that pattern as a pink, green, yellow, blue pattern, but never all green!

    I've spent this evening getting schooled on white balance, lighting, and why things look different in different light from my husband who teaches graphic design. I was having a difficult time portraying what my current custom order actually looked like! I think I have it now, hopefully!


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