Monday, February 27, 2012

Makeover Monday: 2/27

 Today's project is a special order that came in at the end of last week.  Upon checking out with THIS purchase, the customer asked for turquoise yarn...
... and a whitish fabric topper.  With maybe green and/or yellow.  I enjoyed looking through all of my fabrics to find the perfect one!
I love the way they came out.  So crisp, clean and colorful.  They remind me of a Mediterranean vista.  I hope they are exactly what was envisioned.  They'll be heading off to California tomorrow :)
What's going on in your neck of the woods this week?  I plan to spend today and tomorrow making up for last week's lost thrifting time, so I am raring to go!  I hope you have a wonderful start to the last week of February.


  1. Goodness, last week of February already!!

    LOVE these Jennie! Your customer should be over the moon, they are gorgeous!! :o)

    OOoo, thrifting sounds good to me :o)
    I've got the boiler being fitted Wednesday-Thursday. Docs tomorrow, fancy dress outfit to source/make for Geri for Thursday for 'world book day', and when I can get some proper (as opposed to snatches) of computer time, i have a blog post to write and Etsy shelves to fill!

    Hope you have a lovely time thrifting my lovely lady, and a very happy week to you :o)

    Sending you love and big hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  2. Love those colors, Jennie--that's my favorite blue.

    I'm staying put this week--I've got a sore throat, possible slight fever, runny nose--just feel a bit sluggish. I've made it so far this winter without a cold; looks like the germs finally caught up with me! I hope you are well.


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