Monday, February 6, 2012

Makeover Monday: 2/6

A lovely customer purchased THIS item last March.  Though it was being sold as a table coaster, she chose to use it as a chair pad.  She recently came back asking for 3 more to go with her other chairs.  She knew I wouldn't have the same fabrics, but asked that they just be in the same color family.  The 3 fabrics above were the ones we agreed upon.
To try to keep it from being *so* obvious that they weren't a set, I did one in the same progression as the original, and two in the opposite direction.  I think they came out pretty darned good, but I'm probably a little biased.  They will be united with their distant cousin this week!


  1. Those are great. All your work always looks so perfect. :-)

  2. la :o)

    These do look fabulous Jennie!
    I've been waiting to see them since you first told us about them, and to be honest they look just as beautiful and very much in the same vain as the first baby :o)

    You're not biased, just stating the facts :D

    Love and hugs to you my dear..
    Have a fabulous week my Jennie, and stay warm :o)

  3. I agree, they came out beautifully, Jennie!


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