Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Old Love

Happy Heart Day, Friends!  Since I love you so much, I thought I'd share one of my favorite vintage valentines with you... and a guessing game, too!  What would you say is the year on this postcard?  C'mon- leave a comment with your answer, and I'll be back tomorrow to share the reverse side.  Hope you have a special day full of hugs and kisses!


  1. Happy Valentine's day to you... I think maybe 1857? :)x

  2. This is a hard one! My first thoughts were either just before the 2nd world war or just after, but now I think it's earlier, so I'm going to go with 1926! LOL.

    I love these guessing games Jennie, they so make me smile :D

    Have a lovely evening my dear

  3. P.s. I forgot to say that whatever it is, it is very, very pretty!!! xx

  4. UGH! I'm no good at these things but love old postcards, so I must give it a try! I have two guesses but will try 1909. How's that? :o)

    Love ya Jen!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day, Jennie!



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