Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bonus Makeover: Ruffles Galore

This was the fabric chosen by my latest Easter basket customer. 
 I did five rows of ruffles- I just couldn't stop!
I initially planned to use a solid pink for the very bottom, but I found a pretty polka dot that worked even better.  It blends perfectly! 
Apparently this is turning out to be "basket week" here on the blog.  I have another one tomorrow, but it ISN'T for Easter and it IS a different shape.


  1. This is gorgeous Jennie :o)

    I ADORE that fabric! It's just so pretty!
    Trouble is, at the moment I think this is your best ruffly basket yet, but i know if you made one next week to show us, I'd be thinking that one was too! :o)

    Looking forward to seeing your 'new' basket tomorrow too :o)

    Happy evening Jennie.
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  2. This is beautiful! That's one lucky customer!

    Like Donna, can't wait to see the new basket tomorrow!

  3. It is so pretty with all those ruffles! Looks like it would hold A LOT of candy which was always what made a good easter basket in my mind!

  4. What a beautiful basket! Such a frilly girl thing! What little girl (or big girl for that matter!) could resist falling in love with a basket like that filled with all girly things...nail polish, chocolate bunnies, perfume.....oh me! I want it!


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