Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Classic Ivory

Another new~to~me Etsy customer came looking for an unruffled girly Easter basket.  She loved this collection of fabrics, and we discussed every possible combination.
In the end, she decided on having the entire basket done in plain ivory in order to maximize the versatility.  It is slightly larger than the boy version in my shop- this one measures 12" across, 5" deep, with another 6" of height for the handle.
Since the bow is removable, the other two fabrics were added there for just a blush of color.
It's hard to capture the simple beauty of this basket in photos.  I was thinking of making an Etsy listing for a made-to-order ivory handled basket (no bow)... do you think people might use baskets like this year round?  Or should I just make some larger baskets, no handles?  Or both?


  1. Yes, both and all! :o)

    It's elegant, chic, classic and beautiful!
    -Like the artist!

    Happy evening Jennie :o)

  2. The basket is lovely! And yes, I think people would use these baskets all year round. Another variation you might try instead of the one tall handle across the middle is two little sort of loop handles across from each other - that might make it seem less like an 'Easter" basket and more like an everyday basket. But, I think any kind of baskets are used all year round.

    I love seeing all these makeovers this week! I hope you are taking care of your hands and not working too hard!

  3. It is gorgeous and just what I was looking for. Can't wait to get it. Thanks Jennie!!!


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