Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

Happy Friday, Folks!  I have six fabrics to share today, bundled in pairs just because I thought they looked kinda nice that way.  While I'm always a sucker for florals, I get that you need to have stripes and other patterns to balance them out.

I hope to get all of these in sosovintage this weekend.  I will, however, be sequestered in my room doing my taxes all day tomorrow.  I cannot wait to have that task checked off of my list.  Tomorrow at this time I should be skipping around the house, ready to go out to dinner and celebrate!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend... be sure to come on back Monday for a custom heirloom Easter basket highlight.

1 comment:

  1. Jennie, this is a fabulous way to show us these fabrics -in pairs like this :o)

    I can't choose this blues, hot, zesty orange, or candy colours...hmmmm:o) They all look yummy :o)

    OOoo, sending you taxing paper hugs for tomorrow, but hoping you have a fabby evening my lovely!

    Love n hugs for you,
    Donna xxOOxx


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