Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kitchen Colors

 I had to iron a shirt (*gasp*) for my meeting today.  So, while I was at it, I went ahead and plucked a few things from the "iron this so you can take photos and list it" pile.  This adorable kitchen table runner was one of those things.
 I absolutely love this color combination- pink with red and gold and green.  Hmmm... maybe I'll use this as inspiration for my next sosorosey rug!
You just have to wonder how this textile designer came up with the graphics groupings.  Grapes, a clock, and a frosted bundt cake on a pedestal.  Works for me!
I could totally see myself in a pink and aqua kitchen- in my dreams.  My own kitchen is primarily white, with a touch of green.  There are loads of happy colors that come from the pyrex, fiesta pitchers, and enamelware colanders that perch on the shelves and walls.  So, what about you... are you rocking a pink kitchen?

1 comment:

  1. I have one of those piles of ironing too Jennie :o)

    Nope. No pink kitchen for me :( I have yucky 'faux' wood, horrible coloured, kitchen cupboard doors. But I have lovely 'apple' white walls which are what we painted ourselves when we moved in.

    Hope your meeting went well my dear :o)

    Have a happy thrifty thursday.
    Love n hugs,


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