Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday's Favorite Vinyl Find

 I don't make too many vintage vinyl finds, so this is my favorite one in, well, probably forever.  Not including my collection of record albums which were NOT vintage when they were purchased.
 Look!  There's NINE FEET of this wonderfulness!  Put on your red tank and black leggings and line those shelves, baby!
But seriously, isn't this the prettiest vintage shelf liner?  I found a roll and a half of it!  I'll be selling the full roll, and will use the partial for under my own bathroom sink.  Look for this in sosovintage next week!


  1. This is just SO pretty! I love it!
    That was a great find of a roll and a half!

    I've been looking on feebay lately at the record albums, and ones from my (our ;o) childhood are now classed as 'vintage', and some of 'em fetch quite a bit! ;o)

    Hope your having a fabulous time with whatever you're doing today! Have been thinking of you all loads :o)
    Happy day Jennie.

  2. Such a sweet find--for some reason it seems vaguely familiar. I'm thinking that we may have had something like this on our kitchen shelves when I was a kid. I think it will lend a retro brightness to your bathroom sink. Great find, Jennie!


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