Monday, April 2, 2012

Makeover Monday: 4/2

This is the main fabric chosen for the ruffled Easter basket purchased last week.  Given a choice of green, blue, yellow or pink for the base, my customer chose pink.
Here she is in all of her girly glory, ready to head off to Missouri today!  This is the last basket for Easter 2012.  It's never too early to order for Easter 2013- I can make these year-round :)
Today is packing day at the Thoma house- a most dreaded day indeed.  I am still planning to blog while I'm away, so please check back often.  Have a great week!!


  1. Beautiful fabric and a most scrumptuous ruffled basket Jennie :o)

    Hope you've got your packing done by now! Urgh...I hate packing and un-packing!
    Hoping you have the most super family holiday Jennie, and you get a little bit of 'me' time too!

    Pleased you're taking your laptop though my lovely ;o)

    Happy evening Jennie dear.

  2. The basket is lovely! I really like the bright pink pop at the bottom!

    Have a great trip! I'm glad you'll be blogging, otherwise I'd go into sosorosey withdrawal!!!

  3. Basket is beautiful! It just blows my mind the way the material works into such an interesting pattern...not at all what I think it would turn out like when I see just the material!

    Have a safe trip and a grand Easter! Hugs and Kisses all around!


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