Monday, April 23, 2012

Makeover Monday: 4/23

 A returning sosorosey customer needed gifts for three new babies.  She requested "baby's first ornament" stars in red/white, green/white, and blue/white.  Here are the three baby receiving blankets that I found to meet the color request.
And here are the stars for Jake, Cameron, and Joseph.  The first baby stars sold for Christmas 2012!  I love that these can be given at any time of the year- an affordable and meaningful gift option. 
Happy last full week of April to you!  This week marks the last meeting that I will have with my mentee for the school system job I have been doing these last few months.  We also have school pictures to look forward to on Friday.  I have bunches of fabric to cut and items to get listed in both shops, too.  A big thanks to those who have gotten in their guess for The Price is Right game from Saturday.  Scroll down to play if you haven't already... the winner will be announced tomorrow evening, so there is still time to get your game on!


  1. They are darling little things Jennie!
    I have to keep my eyes averted from your sidebar (where your latest Etsy shop vintage fabrics appear!)

    Gill xx

  2. These are just such special gifts Jennie :o)

    Good luck with your last meeting.
    I love photograph day! It'll be Gems last one shortly as they don't do it after year 11.

    Good luck with all your listing my lovely..

    I have a garage appointment booked, chores, attic sorting is still going on, and I'm VERY slowly getting my Etsy bits listed too...

    Have a happy happy week my dear.
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  3. The colors are perfect and lend a perfect country cottage feel to these homemade stars. Gold star for you, Jennie!

  4. Hi Jennie... Phillip! Oh that Phillip! And Elise... They did a wonderful job with the Gotye song didn't they? I am such a sucker for that Phillip boy, oh gosh if I was I was 20 I would dress my walls with him. He is so gorgeous! I feel like a cougar considering my age drooling over such a baby. Ha ha ha! My favorite by far in this years American Idol. And I also love Skyler. She is pure firework, ready to go! Ciao! Annette


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