Monday, April 9, 2012

Makeover Monday: 4/9

 Oh, the sweetness of a freshly dressed up little girl!  You can't see it in this photo, but it actually snowed a few flakes for a minute or two before we left for our family Easter celebration yesterday!
Once the Easter egg hunt began, it was a sports fiesta for the rest of the day!  Yes, Sophie is playing baseball and football at the same time.  There were also a frisbee and a basketball in the mix somewhere, too. 
Apparently the very best game of all, though, involved all of the younger cousins ganging up on their oldest cousin, Pete.  What a good sport and a great cousin!
We're heading back from our trip this evening, and the rest of the week will be spent in "vacation recovery".   How was your Easter?  Any big plans for the week?  Do tell!


  1. I've so enjoyed your Easter vacation Jennie! You must all be exhausted!

    Snow? :D

    You have a safe trip you hear?!

    I have a hair appointment in the morning, then a girls shopping trip on Wednesday. Just an easy week really.
    I've been 'making' too, and looking forward to opening my store up!

    happy evening jennie, and safe journey lovely lady :o)

  2. Thanks for sharing all your lovely happy holiday photos - looks like you have all had a great family time over the Easter weekend!


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