Sunday, April 15, 2012

Snuggly Goodness

Look at this AMAZING quilt that Rychelle from Las Vegas created with her sosovintage fabrics!  It makes me wish even harder than ever that I wasn't hopeless with a sewing machine.
 She backed it with one of my all-time favorite pinks.  Isn't that stripe an awesome touch?
Besides the obvious aesthetic reasons for quilting with vintage sheet fabrics, there is the added benefit of this material already being soft and snuggly from years of washing.  If this quilt were on my bed, I might never get up in the morning.  Thanks so much for sharing your labor of love with us, Rychelle!


  1. AWESOME!!! A special sosovintage quilt!!

    This is fabulous Jennie! And how lovely is that of another of your talented customers sharing their makes!

    Wish it was on my bed too!

    Happy, happy evening lovely Jennie.
    Will be speaking to you later lovely lady :o)

    1. Oh it is so beautiful! I wish my sewing machine and I got along too. Quilting seems like such a daunting task--I'll leave it to the experts.

  2. It is a beautiful quilt! Too, it's a very nice crafter friend you have that would send you pictures to post on your blog. She is very talented and you are very generous with all of your fellow crafters in your verbage, postings, and support. You are an awesome lady!

  3. oh, she looks lovely on your blog!

    thanks for sharing, and thank all you ladies for your kind comments.

    i can't wait to get started on another one! :)


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