Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

Well, for any of you out there who were hoping to see my project from yesterday in a state of completion, I'm sorry to have to disappoint.  I *thought* I was finished, but it turns out there is still design tweaking to be done.  Sometimes the theory and practice don't quite line up, y'know?  I am close, though.  Very close.
There were some good guesses yesterday about what exactly my project is, but none of them were correct.  So, here is another shot of part of it, along with the same item in two other colors.  What do you think it is now?
What's the treasure in all of this, you ask?  Patience.  I'm reminding myself that wonderful things take time!


  1. Now I *am* vexed :o)
    I can't for the life of me work out what they are! I've thought this, that and the other, but dismissed the ideas straight away.

    So Jennie, I haven't got a clue! lol

    I will say though that what ever they are, the crochet, colours and buttons are awesome!!!

    I'm so looking forward to seeing...tomorrow... yes? :D

    Happy , happy evening our Jennie:o)

  2. The colors are beautiful! Are they wristlets?

  3. Oh my, the colors are amazing!

    I *think* I know what they are. Are they something I could use for eating lobster? :o)

  4. Ding ding ding!!! Karen's got it, but sorry sweets, for babies only :)

  5. I love the colors and fabulous buttons!

  6. Cannot even begin to fathom what those vibrant colors with the cute buttons and swing out's could possibly be! It'll be fun just finding out what they are and what they're used for!! You have us puzzled for sure!! Your games are such a hoot!

  7. I have not idea! but I love the colors.. can't wait to see what it is


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