Sunday, May 13, 2012

For Mom

Thought you might enjoy hearing "our song" today!  For as much as you hope I dance, know I always wish the same for you.  xoxoxo
My dear blog visitors~ do you and your mother have a special song?

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU very much for remembering our song and for also giving me the chance to think about "us" on this most special day! In all my life, you always were my special joy and my most treasured person. Whenever your going get tough I know, deep in my heart, that you'll dance! You'll find the road and down it you'll go....dancing the whole way; sometimes a waltz, sometimes a boogie, and sometimes an all out run for the sheer joy in your you've always been in mine! Thank you for a most wonderful Mother's Day! xoox


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