Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

This week's fabrics are of the more subtle variety.  They don't scream at you... just quietly assert themselves as special :)

So, the top fabric is cotton flannel, and the 2nd one down is actually 100% cotton as well.  The wispy pink flowers are so sweet in person, and the blue plaid would look especially awesome in a "boy quilt".
We've been deluged with rain the last several days.  I haven't forgotten my planter project... I'm so glad Saturday is still part of "this week" because that's the day I'm doing it.  Rain or shine.  It's Memorial Day weekend here in the states, and we'll be celebrating with my folks on Sunday.  Looking forward to a nice relaxing couple of days.  Wishing you and yours the same!
Oh, and GO PHILLIP!!  SO happy he won American Idol!!  One of my very favorite performances is HERE if you care to check out his wonderfulness ;)


  1. Gorgeousness of friday fabrics!
    I'm loving the top one :o)

    Sounds like you have a great weekend planned Jennie!
    I'm gonna try and send you some of our sunshine :)
    It's not often that it's sunny here and rainy there, but this past week has been beautifully hot and sunny!

    Wishing you a fantastic time with the folks my dear.
    Love n big hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx


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